The fourteen student members of the CU Class of 2018 were welcomed with a copy of Shawn’s book Meaningful Work which served as the perfect jump start to build an understanding of the unique philosophy and business models applied at Askinosie Chocolate. Coupled with lessons about the chocolate making process and Askinosie’s Tanzanian origin – Mababu, the class participated in author-led book club style discussion.
Students became familiar with the vision writing process and penned their first personal “vision of greatness” drafts. The group also studied the Vision of Greatness authored in 2014 by the Mababu farmer co-op partners of Askinosie. The farmers envisioned several points related to the education offerings in the vision and since have dreamed to begin a preschool or chekechea (swahili) for their village.
The CU Class of 2018 helped begin to bring the Chekechea to life through a business planning meeting, concepting and hosting a half day chekechea camp for 225 preschoolers (who happen to speak their native Nyakyusa and Swahili languages). The campers participated in songs, dances, sports, chocolate tasting and enjoyed treats of cake and juice. The CU students also helped gather important weight, height and arm circumference measures to help predict the level of malnutrition among the population of area preschoolers. The day was a student-driven success and created excitement and awareness for the future chekechea in the village.
Students also planned a half day session with the five Empowered Girls and Enlightened Boys clubs (covering over 600 members). A reproductive health lesson was shared by a local healthcare worker followed by a peer to peer conversation on personal responsibility and reaching your highest potential. The CU students studied the cultural differences and role played with each other to become prepared to lead these important discussions.
Lastly, the CU class enjoyed the graduation celebration for the Empowered Girls and Enlightened Boys clubs. Each of the five area clubs joined in the large Matema hall to honor their accomplishments and celebrate together with song and dance.

Brendan Fusco, Carla Hamwi, Delaney Cannon, Heath Fusco, Hunter Skornia, Izzy Eiserman, Leigha Kuntz, Lillian Passeri, Marin Billionis, Morgan Pessina, Reagan Wiles, Isabella Sanders, Sara Snelson, Walker Montgomery
Drury Student Representative: Tyler Campbell