Maono Kipawambele Tuzo (Vision Priority Award) is a merit-based scholarship program, initiated in 2020, to award top-performing club members while also motivating all members to achieve their best performance. As students’ test scores on the Tanzanian National Exams have gradually increased since visioning lessons began in 2018, TAF Field Director Saraphiner Urio created the concept of a merit-based scholarship to recognize the important role visioning plays in student success and to honor the dedication from students and their families to education.
At both Matema Beach and Mwaya secondary schools, an award ceremony is led by the school Head Master to recognize the students’ accomplishments and Empowered Girls / Enlightened Boys presents scholarship awards. The awards are cash gifts presented to the student and parents with restricted use for form 5 and form 6 – two year, pre-university preparation classes required in Tanzania before university enrollment.
Students are asked to present a motivating statement to the club membership at the award ceremony. Additionally, parents are asked to address the group with a word of encouragement as they model student support at home.